Oh, the humanity.
This entire account (and, by extension, web page) was created in order to post a fairly simple grammatical correction to a post made on the blog of the folks who draw Zap! (zapinspace.com). I have little actual interest in having a blog of my own, so it is unlikely that I shall post here again, but if I ever feel the overwhelming urge to be a sanctimonious little snot in the future I'll come back here and keep all of the avid readers this blog is sure to generate entertained.
For what it's worth, the correction was made to the sentence "The G.E.F. strived under Knox's rule and his charisma pulled in an amazing 95% approval rating throughout the entire G.E.F.", and was to change the word 'strived' to the more apparently appropriate and sensical 'thrived'. If I have made an error, I apologize to Chris L. & Lepas. In fact it might be safer simply to apologize in advance, just in case.
For what it's worth, the correction was made to the sentence "The G.E.F. strived under Knox's rule and his charisma pulled in an amazing 95% approval rating throughout the entire G.E.F.", and was to change the word 'strived' to the more apparently appropriate and sensical 'thrived'. If I have made an error, I apologize to Chris L. & Lepas. In fact it might be safer simply to apologize in advance, just in case.