Guide to Unit Allocation trick in Instance
This is a guide to performing the so-called "Unit Allocation trick," whereby one adds as many additional units to an Instance hero as one's UA gear will support, while retaining the benefits from one's stat-boosting gear. If you already generally understand the process, or are good at reading between the lines, use the Short version; if you're new to the UA trick, you should probably use the Detailed one.
Short version:
Step 0: Equip stat-boosting gear on and enter Instance as normal, then stop after the first battle.
Step 1: Swap out gear, clicking "Guild" -> "Instance" -> "Allocate hero" [1] -> "Arrange" [2] -> Hero portrait [3] to access appropriate dialog.

Step 2: Close last two dialogs and tell friend (in Kong chat) to click "Next."
Step 3: Close the two popups that come up when "Next" is clicked, then click "Arrange".
Step 4: After battle ends, close the popup that obscures your screen, and re-stack troops. Once you're done, go click "Next" yourself. All done!
Detailed Version:
Preparation [Step 0]: When your hero first enters Instance, (s)he should have the best stat-boosting gear (s)he can, and have the same number of stacks you intend to eventually have (I don't believe that number can be changed in battle, though I haven't tested it.) Once you've started Instance as usual, and done the first level, your abilities are fixed -- it's time to start the trick, which all but one of the participating players may do at once (this means it's impossible to do this trick solo.) I'm going to assume there are two people in Instance doing the trick, and all the later steps will call the player using the trick "you," and the other player "the supporting player." Both players should be in the same Kong room, to coordinate their efforts (though this can be done within the HoG chat for experienced players who know when and how long to wait.)
Step 1: Once the first battle is over, the supporting player should wait at the preview screen for the next battle (it's labeled "Guild instance",) and be ready to hit "Next" when you give the word. Meanwhile, you should close all dialogs, and make sure you're in the castle that has the extra troops you want to put on your hero with the trick. From there, click "Guild" -> "Instance" -> "Allocate hero" -> "Arrange", then click on the small rectangular portrait of your hero on the left. That will bring up the usual "Hero Profile" dialog that you can get to when a hero's sitting idle in your castle, and you can use this to swap out your stat-boosting gear for UA gear -- do so.
Step 2: Now that you've got your UA gear, close the "Hero Profile" dialog again, and the "Arrange" dialog beneath it, so you're back to looking at the thin "Allocate hero" dialog. The next bit gets tricky, as there's some waiting and some timing involved.
Step 3: Tell the supporting player to hit "Next," and as soon as you see the "Guild instance" screen pop up, close it, then close the "Battle Reminder" dialog beneath it, and click Arrange on the "Allocate hero" dialog you left open beneath that. You should now see all the troops you have in the castle you started in, in the usual arrange dialog.
Step 4: Now just wait until the end of the battle (you'll know it's over when the "Guild instance" dialog obscures your screen again -- close it when it does), and start adding your units. Make sure that the supporting player doesn't start the next battle until you're done; at that point, you can go and hit Next yourself.
That's it! If you want, the other player(s) can go through the same routine, with you serving as the supporting player -- it works after any battle, not just the first. Later, once you're all comfortable with the process, it can be streamlined; for instance, all the players can swap out gear at once, with one player then serving as supporting player for one battle while the others re-stack, and then re-stacking during the battle after that.
- Guide by "Resistor" of Pan, also "Mercenary42" on Kong. Message me any questions or comments you have; I'll be happy to help.
Labels: Game guide, Heroes of Gaia